expectations kicking your ass? yeah, mine too. find this button (and dozens more) at…

expectations kicking your ass? yeah, mine too. find this button (and dozens more) at https://effinbirds.threadless.com
expectations kicking your ass? yeah, mine too. find this button (and dozens more) at https://effinbirds.threadless.com
I’m not even joking. Scully the parrot is turning 30, so on March 13th we’re taking over The Raven Gallery in Toronto to celebrate. RSVP and more details: https://eatf.art/30
First drink is on Scully, but the bar is what’s paying for the event, so please feel free to have more than one. BYOB (bring your own bird).
Please note that I will not be selling merch or signing at this event. You can check my appearance page for details on where I’ll be doing that next. Toronto Comicon starts the day after Scully’s birthday, and I’ll be there all three days at table P112.